Diagnois is Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS)

Pathologist's report of the breast biopsy from Thursday, 12/12/02, shows an early form of cancer called DCIS. Consultation with a surgeon is scheduled for Friday, 12/20/02.

This morning Ann's doctor called her with some bad news.

Ann's pathologist diagnosed her with a form of breast cancer called "intraductile carcinoma in situ". This diagnosis was confirmed by several members of the pathology department.

Intraductile carcinoma in situ is cancer of the lining of the milk ducts. The term "In situ" means that that it is still within the milk ducts and has not spread into the surrounding tissue. Based on my research on the internet, intraductile carcinoma in situ apparently is also called ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS).

This is a very early form of breast cancer and is considered very curable.

Today we scheduled a consultation with a surgeon in Evanston for Friday afternoon. At this point, I expect that Ann will have surgery in early January. We will know more and share it with you after our Friday consultation.

Obviously this is a shock to both of us as I'm sure it is to you. We are trying to absorb what this diagnosis means was well as trying to identify and evaluate our treatment options. If you are interested in learning more about DCIS I suggest starting with web sites:


Ann and I appreciate your support. At this time, however, please do not call Ann at the office or send her email (all of which goes to her workplace). She would appreciate hearing from you at home as well as simply being in you thoughts and prayers. (I would be happy to pass on emails to her that you send to me.)

Thank you for your help.

- nello

PS: For the Freemans, I already called Ruth Freeman and told her the bad news.

Posted: Mon - December 16, 2002 at 12:00 AM        
